
BY: Kendal Lindstrom

What we doux


Gain industry leading knowledge on the language and formatting to surpass expectations of any ATS, recruiter or even CEO.

Cover Letters:

Set yourself apart, and doux more now. Outshine any other applicant, and give your top qualities the space they deserve.

Linked In:

Understand how to generate leads and build your network through business’ breakthrough social platform.


Unparalleled answers to FAQ in the interview process, ensuring your experience is the exact solution they are looking for.

Get access to Doux’s best-in-class network connections in relative industries for streamlined success.

Doux It all

Kendal is a graduate of the University of Arizona, Norton School of Consumer Sciences, yet never stops learning. Her dream was to never just hold one single title, but to build an empire of titles. There was never a clear direction, there was just a clear understanding; to doux it all. After delivering herself from mediocrity, the glass ceilings were broken, and every day was Monday. Writing a multitude of emails, cover letters, resumes and website panels, DOUX was born with the simple idea of making sure everyone had the chance to doux it all in the realm of their careers.

Kendal broke into industries outside the scope of her expertise, simply by her system of resume presentation, vast portfolio, conceptualized networking, and interview performance.

Now she is here to make sure you know that your goals are attainable, they are not too big, and you DOUX have what it takes to enter industries you never thought possible.

“Remember that it’s not the lawyer who knows the most law, but the one who best prepares his case, that wins.”

- Napoleon Hill

Disrupting the job market:

Doux is an emerging market for CHANGE MANAGEMENT of careers with the development of  personal job portfolios.  
We take our clients’ credibility and experience in the workforce, and expand it by utilizing our unique system that maps where you’ve been to where you want to go.